
Translation of YITH WooCommerce Dynamic Pricing and Discounts: Spanish (Spain)

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Enter a custom text to show the total discount for the customer on the cart. Please, note: this applies only to "Cart discount rules". You can use the placeholder %total_discount_percentage% to show the percentage discount and %total_discount_price% to show the discount value Introduce un texto personalizado para mostrar el descuento total para el cliente en el carrito. Por favor, toma en cuenta que esto sólo se aplica a las "Reglas de descuento del carrito". Puedes utilizar el placeholder %total_discount_percentage% para mostrar el descuento en porcentaje, %total_discount_price% para mostrar el valor del descuento Details

Enter a custom text to show the total discount for the customer on the cart. Please, note: this applies only to "Cart discount rules". You can use the placeholder %total_discount_percentage% to show the percentage discount and %total_discount_price% to show the discount value

Enter a custom text to show the total discount for the customer on the cart. Please, note: this applies only to "Cart discount rules". You can use the placeholder %total_discount_percentage% to show the percentage discount and %total_discount_price% to show the discount value

Introduce un texto personalizado para mostrar el descuento total para el cliente en el carrito. Por favor, toma en cuenta que esto sólo se aplica a las "Reglas de descuento del carrito". Puedes utilizar el placeholder %total_discount_percentage% para mostrar el descuento en porcentaje, %total_discount_price% para mostrar el valor del descuento

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Date added (GMT):
2020-12-04 15:12:51
Date added (local):
Translated by:
  • plugin-options/general/cart-settings-options.php:83
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Enter a custom text to show the total discount for the customer on the cart. Please, note: this applies only to "Cart discount rules". You can use the placeholder %total_discount_percentage% to show the percentage discount and %total_discount_price% to show the discount value Introduce un texto personalizado para mostrar el descuento total para el cliente en el carrito. Por favor, ten en cuenta que esto solo se aplica a las «reglas de descuento del carrito». Puedes utilizar el marcador de posición %total_discount_percentage% para mostrar el descuento en porcentaje, %total_discount_price% para mostrar el valor del descuento Details

Enter a custom text to show the total discount for the customer on the cart. Please, note: this applies only to "Cart discount rules". You can use the placeholder %total_discount_percentage% to show the percentage discount and %total_discount_price% to show the discount value

Enter a custom text to show the total discount for the customer on the cart. Please, note: this applies only to "Cart discount rules". You can use the placeholder %total_discount_percentage% to show the percentage discount and %total_discount_price% to show the discount value

Introduce un texto personalizado para mostrar el descuento total para el cliente en el carrito. Por favor, ten en cuenta que esto solo se aplica a las «reglas de descuento del carrito». Puedes utilizar el marcador de posición %total_discount_percentage% para mostrar el descuento en porcentaje, %total_discount_price% para mostrar el valor del descuento

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Date added (GMT):
2023-06-23 09:29:52
Date added (local):
Translated by:
Tania Gonzalez (taniagonzalez)
Last updated by:
  • plugin-options/general/cart-settings-options.php:83
More links:
Enter a custom text to show the total discount for the customer on the cart. Please, note: this applies only to "Cart discount rules". You can use the placeholder %total_discount_percentage% to show the percentage discount and %total_discount_price% to show the discount value Introduce un texto personalizado para mostrar el descuento total para el cliente en el carrito. Por favor, ten en cuenta que esto solo se aplica a las «reglas de descuento del carrito». Puedes utilizar el marcador de posición %total_discount_percentage% para mostrar el porcentaje de descuento y %total_discount_price% para mostrar el valor del descuento. Details

Enter a custom text to show the total discount for the customer on the cart. Please, note: this applies only to "Cart discount rules". You can use the placeholder %total_discount_percentage% to show the percentage discount and %total_discount_price% to show the discount value

Enter a custom text to show the total discount for the customer on the cart. Please, note: this applies only to "Cart discount rules". You can use the placeholder %total_discount_percentage% to show the percentage discount and %total_discount_price% to show the discount value

Introduce un texto personalizado para mostrar el descuento total para el cliente en el carrito. Por favor, ten en cuenta que esto solo se aplica a las «reglas de descuento del carrito». Puedes utilizar el marcador de posición %total_discount_percentage% para mostrar el porcentaje de descuento y %total_discount_price% para mostrar el valor del descuento.

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Date added (GMT):
2023-09-12 06:43:58
Date added (local):
Translated by:
  • plugin-options/general/cart-settings-options.php:83
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